Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Iceskating with Ammon

Many of you know our good friends, the Taylors. We have been friends since Clark and Ammon were babies in Draper. We've had lots of babies since them and last week Ammon celebrated his 10th birthday. We joined their family for pizza at their house and then iceskating. Rebecca and I stayed at home with the little ones and the kids had a blast. They were all experts after only 1 1/2 hours of iceskating-- remarkable!

Ammon, Clark and Bethany stick pretty close to wall while they hone their skills

Elinor and Claire. These two are just a couple of months apart. They have a good time together!

Bethany and Autumn, the little speed demons. These girls are about five months apart.

The gang. My friend, Rebecca is due with her fifth baby any day now. I can't wait to see Cannon's future wife!!! Hee hee! Rebecca is having a girl and I insist that one of my children marry one of the Taylor children. We've lined things up quite nicely! Faith is the same age as Caleb and that would be a very acceptable match as well!

1 comment:

Katie Fox said...

oh to live in the days of pre-arranged marriages and when it was OK to marry your cousin. I would have wives for all of my boys:)