Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

What to do? What to do? Tackle the big, huge, daunting, endless pile of laundry on my bed. . . OR. . . . .

Sit on my couch and read this delicious novel?
You can see what a dilemma this is.


Melissa said...

Read Vanity Fair. It's actually a very good novel. :) (Tells you where my priorities are...)

Mothership said...


Thank you for posting your pile (that isn't really that big!).

Abe Fox said...

Emily, you are VERY correct.....I said to Betsy, when she was taking the picture, "We've had laundry-piles 5 Times as Big as this one......this is puny".

Melissa said...

So, after I read your comment on my blog, and told Russell about it, he said I needed to tell you how much I LOVE that you blog, and that I can actually keep tabs on you (unlike many other members of the family *cough*) and your family. I APPRECIATE IT! Thank you! Yay for blogging!