Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Ultimate in "White and Nerdy"

Listen to this song. This is the Lego version because I couldn't put the real one up. Search YouTube for "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al.

This song hits a little too close to home. My home that is. We may be the whitest, nerdiest family in America. Exhibit A:
We are all Star Trek for Halloween this year. Check out the cutie little Vulcan down in front. I could just bite her ears!

Exibit B:
We LOVE watching videos of the "Donny and Marie Show" from the late 70's.

Exhibit C: We (as in Abe and the kids) regularly play role playing games just for fun. Known in some circles as D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) although we play a watered down "Adventures" version.

Other evidence from the song: We do enjoyTrivial Pursuit. Clark does have a chess mentor. We do attend a 2-day renaissance event.

Yes, I'm afraid there is no denying the truth. We are WHITE AND NERDY!
How did this happen?


Abe Fox said...

Home School, Baby!!!! Wait a minute, I loved all of these things before home school.

So what led to what, home schooling to nerdiness, or nerdiness to home schooling. Ahhh, these wonderful as-old-as-the-world-is questions......

Matt and Misty said...

Matt was just looking at this post with me and he said "It's Abe". Take how you would like. Love you guys....nerdy and all.

Abe Fox said...

Yeah,'re exactly right; But I decided long ago to laugh at and love that "Nerdy" side of me. So thanks for the compliment!

--The fateful decision was made when I went from Elementary to Junior High public school.....where one year I was "cool", the next year I was a "nerd". I could either fight it (impossible), get bummed (not useful), or embrace it (and love life)--