Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Give it a Rest!

A few weeks back Clark learned of a video game called "Spore". It sounds like a disease to me.
About two weeks ago he decided he would purchase the game for himself. As many of you know, video games aren't cheap, but he worked like a dog to earn the money. The boy raked 24 garbage bags of leaves. He did many jobs around the house. Who knew he could work so hard? Well, I knew. I've seen this boy in action when he has set his mind to something. It's frightening and best to just get out of his way. I'm telling you, the boy harassed me incessantly for money-earning jobs to do. I was running out of jobs to give him, not to mention running out of money to pay for said jobs.
Last night his moment of triumph arrived! Abe got his money from him in the morning and picked up the game for him after work. Unfortunately for Clark, Abe had class last night and didn't get home until 9:30pm. Too late for video games, besides he had already used his computer/wii time (45 minutes) for the day. It would have to wait till the next day.
This morning Clark set his alarm for 6:00 so he could get ready, do jobs, get all his school work and practicing done so he could play his game. He was done by 10:00 am. He played for his 45 minutes. It was all he hoped it would be and more, but not long enough.

But then what? It was only 11:00. The boy changed his tactics. He switched his focus to begging for jobs to do to earn more Wii time.

For the LOVE OF PETE (sorry, Dad)-- Will you give it a rest!!!!!!
I did let him earn 10 more minutes, but I could see the pattern developing. I have to be very strict of computer/wii time. I think it is fine to play some, but that is not what children should spend their formative years focusing on. I know, I know-- I'm mean.

So he switches tactics again. "Can I get all his school stuff for tomorrow done tonight so I can just wake up and play." (That's just what we need-- for you to be done by 8 am)


"Then I'm setting my alarm for 5 am to get all my stuff done earlier."

You need your sleep.

"Can I go to bed now? (It is 5:30 pm) so I can get enough sleep?

Sure. (He did go down to his room at 7:00 pm to try to go to sleep.


camfox said...

Wow. Smart kid. Way to be strong Betsy! I'm very impressed with your parenting. Very.

Matt and Misty said...

I miss you guys. That is all that I have to say.

Clark Fox said...

When I grow up I will be a herptologist. Thats a person who
caches reptiels and studys them.