Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Next Installment

This is the next installment of a series I will henceforth call: "Conversations With Elinor". If you recall the first of the series was all about "What if?".

With five little chickadees I don't have oodles of opportunities to be alone with each child, but this morning was one of those rare moments with Elinor. It went something like this:

Elinor: Mom, are there other universes?

Me: Yes, I think there are (why not?)

Elinor: Are there aliens who live there?

Me: "Alien" just means they aren't from here. I think there are people that live in other universes. (Wow! Do I sound crazy or what?)

Elinor: What if those aliens crash into my room at night?

Me: I don't think that will happen.

Elinor: Well, why not?

Me: I don't think Heavenly Father wants Aliens to crash into your room.

Elinor: Mom, do you think aliens go to church?

Me: I'm not sure, but probably.

Elinor: Hmmm. I wonder what their churches look like?

Me: That is an interesting thing to think about.

Do you know how hard it is to keep a straight face during "Conversations with Elinor"? Her train of thoughts are so bizarre to me.

Sometimes she comes up with things during lunch and Clark and Bethany just look at her, dumbfounded. They know they can't say something mean to her, but they don't know what to say because she is so RANDOM! Dang, we love this girl. Is she destined to be a famous science fiction author?

Stay tuned for the next installment; coming as soon as I can alone with her again!

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