Saturday, December 5, 2009


Three bedrooms, one living room, and one family room.

Four adults, and 10 children- ten and under.

2 days and 2 nights.

A lot of food and one VERY DELICOUS turkey.

Not much peace and quiet, but a lot of good times and good memories.

Please forgive this horrible, beyond horrible picture of me. We can't all be beauty queens at every moment!

But I had to put this picture up to show you the secret way Emily taught me to cook a turkey. In an oiled paper bag.
No, it doesn't catch fire. We didn't do anything else to the turkey (except wash it). We put it in an oiled (with vegetable oil) paper bag and several hours later----WALAH!!! The moisted, most delicious turkey I've ever eaten.

Emily is one of those people who just knows how to do everything. She whips up perfect pies, she does construction and home improvement projects on her house. I get tons of homeschooling/mothering ideas from her. She is a good person to know!

Here was our masterpiece as we unwrapped it. Glorious!

Abe and Justin were childhood friends. Abe has a remarkable memory about his childhood, but Justin's memory put's Abe's to shame. This man remembers EVERYTHING; every detail about not only his own life, but everyone elses.
They love to tell stories about the past.
I'm kind of glad I didn't know Justin in my youth. I don't think I'd want to remember every detail about my past that he would remind me of.

Clark and Issac. The computer was generally a peaceful place for these two strong personalities.
Here you have two oldest children who each have masses of younger sisters.

They had a good time playing some Turkey Day football at the park.

And then there were girls. Lots and lots of little girls. In this picture they are helping clean the kitchen floor, "Pippi style", with baby wipes on their feet.
This is Abe's idea.

Little girls, little girls, everywhere I look I can see them.

The feast.

The kiddos.

Grandma and Grandpa Cannon to join us for the festivities. Grandpa showed those young boys and dads that he can still play football.

Oh, happy day! The pies.

It was a wonderful day.


Mothership said...

I'm so glad you took and posted these pictures. I brought my camera but didn't get one photo!

We had such a fun time! It was so brave of you to invite us. We can be quite overwhelming!

And thank you for your kind and generous words. I love you, too, my dear friend!

Abe Fox said...

This was such a Fantastic Thanksgiving!! Betsy and Emily....Thank you BOTH!!