Friday, May 14, 2010

Deep Breaths

Deep breaths.
Think happy thoughts.
Pray to feel better.
If you don't have something nice to say, BE QUIET.
It's okay to take a break in your room if you're feeling out of control.
Go for a walk.

All good advice I regularly dish out to children, that I need to follow myself this week.
Oh, I've been grouchy. Abe is wondering, "WHAT HAPPENED? One week my nice cheerful wife was here and then BAM! This other woman showed up and she's not so nice. "

Why? I couldn't say. I hope it's hormonal. I'm convinced that you still have some sort of cycle even when your pregnant. I've felt so good for this whole pregnancy, but about once a month I feel kind of crazy.

I think I want/need a good long date with Abe. Dinner, a movie or play, dessert afterwards. Doesn't that sound lovely. Here's the problem. It's been so glorious to have children old enough to leave home alone. This means we don't have to fork over 25 buckaroos for a night out. The downside is that, while I do feel very comfortable leaving the kids alone for 1 or 2 hours, I can't feel good about 4 or 5 hours. I could just hire a sitter for the evening, but once you tasted the goodness of free babysitting, it's hard to go back. Plus, Clark is bigger than most girls the babysitting ages, so that's getting a little awkward.
Waa, waa, waa. There is my compliant.

Now I just feel like rambling. Here I go.
Clark is going to a space camp for several hours tomorrow. It costs $20, so he is mowing the lawn right now to help earn it. Question. Do you prefer your grass cut short or long? Abe likes a lush, long lawn. I prefer a short, not quite golf course cut. I like how it looks and then you don't have to mow it as often. I set the blade lower on the mower today because Abe wasn't here. I wonder what he'll think when he gets home?

Anyone seen any good movies lately? I think the last movie I went to see was The Blind Side. If I were to get crazy and go see a movie, what would you recommend? Maybe the Percy Jackson movie?

I went this morning for my 1-hour glucose test. It's not much fun, but it's loads more fun than the 4 hour glucose test you have to take if you fail the 1-hour. That happened with Cannon. So you can understand why I wasn't very happy going to take this one this morning, knowing that most likely I will not pass it and have to take the big nasty one , which I will pass (like last time).

That's enough boo-hooing from me for one day. I WILL be nice to my people. I think Abe is coming home a little early today. Yippee!


Sariah said...

My kids HATED the percy jackson movie because they liked the book so much better.

Shane and I both enjoyed The Young Victoria and it is in Redbox. You could do dinner and still get back, put kids to bed, and then enjoy a movie.

Good luck with everything!!!

Mothership said...

Looks like you posted this a few days ago. Sorry I'm late (my mom was in town).

The movie Date Night tickled my funny bone and related to my life right now. It is PG-13 for a reason, so take care.

I completely understand about the free babysitting. We went to the movie for the first time in a long time a couple of weeks ago. I got a new vegetales movie for the kids, pizza, and left a touch on the late side (so they would be in bed for a lot of the time) and they did GREAT. We even left the baby home.

Percy Jackson is not like the book, but fun nonetheless.

What else did you talk about? Crap. I had a comment about just about everything. (:

Anyway, I hope you are feeling less grumpy (especially now that your fridge is so clean). Love you, my friend.
