Saturday, May 15, 2010

Is your Refrigerator Running?

Then you'd better go catch it!

Ha ha ha.
I have the cleanest fridge today of anyone I know.
Abe woke up this morning and announced his two projects for the day-- cleaning out the fridge and cleaning out the garage. The garage project was somewhat expected in that it really needed to be cleaned out and it is his job. I never have to say anything and eventually he gets around to the garage. But the fridge?
Let me explain. Like many marriages we have divisions of labor. There are some areas that are Abe's-- the yard, the garage, changing light bulbs. There are areas that are mine --the laundry, homeschooling the kids, preparing the food. Neither of the lists are exhaustive, but you get the idea. It would seem that cleaning out the fridge would fall under my domain, but we've been playing a game of chicken for quite some time. Who will break down first and clean out the fridge? Today that question was answered. Am I proud of myself that I could go so long that Abe finally realized the necessity of getting that unpleasant job done? No. Am I happy--no--ecstatic--that my fridge and freezer look brand new? YES!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Abe. You're my hero!

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