Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hearing Problems

An ad in my local newspaper today for selling hearing aids:

Do You Hear but Not Understand?
Do People Seem to Mumble?
Do You Ask Others to Repeat?"

Are you kidding? Where do I sign up? This is exactly how I feel, particularly in trying to communicate with one of my little people (Elinor) lately. Numerous times a day I say,
"I'm sorry, I can't understand what you are saying"
"What is that?"
"Say that again?"
"Please speak clearly"
"Am I suppose to understand what you are saying?"
"Are you talking to me?"

Is it pregnancy related? Do I have a wax build-up in my ears? Do I have hearing damage from all of my screechy, high pitched squealing babies? Am I distracted? Am I just not listening?
Perhaps I need a mommy hearing aid.


camfox said...

Elinor is like my sister, Shaela. Growing up, she spoke softly and mumbled, and we always had to ask her to please repeat herself. My dad said she spoke Shaela-nese. It's not you Betsy.

Baden Fox said...

Lately I have been wondering if I mumble because Eliza says "what?" to at least 80% of what I say to her. It drives me nuts! I always thought I talked loud until I met the Fox family and realized my people were small potatoes. I remember being told not to yell as a child. Baden remembers Dad Fox always saying "speak up son!" (Can you imagine saying that to BADEN!!!)