Saturday, September 4, 2010

Born to Shop or Born to Drop?

The girls have earned some more money from their little job-- stapling rubber bands to flyers and they wanted to go shopping to the craft store this afternoon. Half of my kids LOVE going shopping. They don't care what they are shopping for. They just love going to stores and they can go from store to store to store and never seem to get tired. I wear out WAY faster than they do. Said children are Bethany, Faith and Cannon. The other half-- Clark, Elinor and I'm going to put George (at least temporarily) in this category. They LOATHE going to the store. I loathe even more having to take them to the store--EVER! Since they don't want to be there to begin with, they tend to rile up the natural shoppers. Given the choice they will always choose to stay home. In Clark's words just the other day, "I hate Costco. It's too big. I hate big stores".
Sadly, I'm afraid I must cast my lot with the group that hates to shop. A little while back Abe told me he actually liked going to the grocery store and if I'd just give him a list he'd be happy to do the shopping.
But this afternoon, in an effort to be a nice mommy, I took the girls and George to the craft store. We needed to hit Walmart as well, but Elinor requested to be dropped off to Abe at home rather than accompany us on the second leg of our outing. Wish I'd stayed with her.
On a side note, I'm still traumatized from my childhood trips to craft stores. My mother was SUPER DUPER crafty and spent a great deal of time in craft stores. They were like her mothership. I am not even an ounce crafty now and I was even less so as a youngster. I remember being trapped at craft stores for a long time wandering the isles of bolts of fabric, thread, needles, styrofoam balls, googley eyes, and feathers. I'm breaking into a cold sweat just remembering.

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