Monday, November 8, 2010

Bringing Out the Worst in Us All

The game of Monopoly brings out the worst in us all.  I've never liked the game.
But my children love it and they and Abe are going on 3 hours straight of playing.

In my experience with the game of Monopoly, it NEVER ends well.  Everyone is happy for about 10 minutes and then feelings are hurt and the tears start flowing.  They are playing a "Ranger Rick" edition.  It's all about nature, seasons, clean air, and furry woodland animals.  Don't let that fool you-- it's as cutthroat as ever. 

Actual verbal exchange at our house during this game of Monopoly:
Bethany:  (through tears) Dad, tell Clark to stop calling me a hobo!
Abe:  Clark, stop calling Bethany a hobo.
Clark:  Why?  She is a hobo!

What is that all about?  She must have lost some property.

Clark:  I have the overwhelming sensation of being a millionaire and being able to do whatever I want.  Like I can get out of jail.

What?  So you are learning from Monopoly that if you have money you can do anything you want and get out of jail?  Well, that is just great.

Blessed are the peacemakers who can't stand the conflict and so they just give their money to the upset parties.  I love you, Elinor.

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