Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fair-Weather Fan

There was a REALLY big football game in Utah today-- the U of U vs. TCU.  It didn't go so well for the U.

There was a not so big football game in Utah today--BYU vs. UNLV.  It did go well for BYU.

Abe and I wanted the U. to win and we wanted BYU to win.  But truth be told, we probably wanted the U. to win it's game more than we cared about BYU's game.  BYU's season is already shot to heck, but the U. was highly ranked and it was probably the biggest game in the country this week (this is according to Abe--like I have time to follow such things).

Abe and I are unabashed fair-weather fans.  We cheer for BYU.  It is our school.  But if BYU is on a major losing streak, it doesn't really affect us.  Abe is almost relieved because it frees up his Saturday afternoons for house projects.  As long as  BYU is winning, he feels compelled to watch their games, follow their schedule, and check their rankings and such.  

I understand that these statements are very offensive to you loyal fans.  I'm sorry.  I actually have a quite a bit of respect for you fans who cheer for and support your teams come what may.  You are true and loyal and that is admirable.  Maybe I'm jealous of you.

I'm not sure why I'm such a fair-weather fan.  It certainly doesn't stem from my upbringing.  I come from a very loyal BYU family.  Is it a character flaw?  Perhaps.  I just figure, why should I get upset over something that I have nothing to do with.  If "my" team wins-- I didn't do anything to help them win, so why should I glory in their success.  On the flip side-- if they lose, I don't see that it's any reflection on me, so why should it bring me down? 

I'm not  trying to be a party pooper, and I understand that it is fun for people to invest in their team and the revelry of the sport.

We don't have cable so we couldn't watch either of the games today.  That's okay though because we've (as in Abe) have discovered it is fun to listen to the game on the radio and we (as in Abe) can get those house projects done while we listen.

Some people go past loyal, and get nasty in their fan-hood.  This doesn't actually bother me, either.  I guess that's part of the fun- to gloat when your team wins and hide from people when your team loses.

I have been known to say mean things to a man in my ward who wears a University of Utah tie.  Maybe I'm not as fair-weather as I thought.    Go BYU!

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