Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kids and Cousins Galore

My kiddos have A LOT of cousins.  There were three cousins to play with at my brother's house, but then we started visiting Fox family--COUSIN HEAVEN!
Cannon and James were sharing the dinosaurs.  No easy feat when you are 2 years old, but they did pretty well.
Clark enjoyed binging on video games this past week.  This week he will go through a video game cleanse.   Detox can be rough and I will probably be public enemy #1 at my house for a few days.  I'm prepared.
Cousins at Samatha and Micheal's home in Spokane.
George was feeling the love from the older lady cousins.
Playing with Mike's and Marjorie's kids in the snow.  And there was SNOW-- but that's a whole other post for later.
Daddies and babies-- from left to right--Jesse and baby Asher, Baden and baby Sophie, Abe and baby George. 
Bethany and Julia.  I didn't see much of them.  But they get along so well and love each other.
Faith and cousin Eliza are "super best friends!"
Clark and Alexis.  I'm so glad Clark has Alexis in his life.  She's about the only girl who doesn't drive him crazy.
And it appears that they understand one another.  
Philip and Calvin and Abe and George.  Someday I'll put together a montage of pictures of Abe over the years holding all our different babies next to his brothers holding theirs.  There are A LOT of those pictures.


Abe Fox said...

We are home safe!! I loved this trip, but I also love being home!!

Baden Fox said...

I am glad you guys are safe back home and off those SNOWY ROADS! We LOVED seeing you guys! Your family is simply delightful in every way.

Ali said...

Does Clark actually have his arm around Bethany in that one picture!?!?! LOL!

Betsy Fox said...

Yes, I believe he does. Either that or he was trying to strangle her!