Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No, You Can't Go To Bed Yet

 I wouldn't say that Abe and I are particularly authoritarian parents, but for the last three nights we have demanded that our children humor us by playing the card game, Bang, late into the evening.
They are less than pleased. 
But wait... this one gives us this look for many different reasons.  Surely they don't all feel this way?
Maybe they do.
Come on, Els, don't hold back.  Tell us how you really feel.
Oh, poor Faith.  Don't worry, we don't force her to play.  But there's no one around for her to play with while we coerce the older kids to play.  Cannon was already put to bed.  And what do we do with George while we play?
We do what we always do with him.  We hold him. 
We mercifully let the kids drink the hard stuff to make it through the late nights of entertaining their parents.  
Believe me, if we could play it as a 2 person game-WE WOULD!  But alas, we need them to play so the torture will continue until Abe and I get our fill of this game.  It's the least they can do to make up for the marvelous Christmas they just had.


Andrea said...

You can come play with David and I when we get back! We'll be home this weekend!

Mothership said...

Ahahahaha! That is awesome! (: