Thursday, March 10, 2011

Organize Every Needful Thing

My LDS friends are familiar with the scripture that reads:
"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God"

It's a great scripture that lays out beautifully what our homes should look like.  
What I especially like about this verse is the idea to "organize every needful thing".  Note, that it does NOT say to organize every single thing.  Just every needful thing.  What are those needful things?

This is where Abe and I see things a little bit differently.  He and I have talked about what I'm about to write, and we agree.  So don't worry, no body is being mean here.  When it comes to keeping house, Abe is a "miss the forest for the tree" kind of guy.  I'm more of a "Oh?  Is that forest actually made of individual trees?"

Now, I am the one who mostly lives with, clothes, feeds, and educates the children here at home.  I also do the vast majority of the household chores.  That is not a complaint-- it is a statement of fact.
One of my secrets to happiness is that my brain is able to overlook the "not needful things".   Maybe I train my brain to do this so I don't go crazy.  Whatever the reason, it works for me.

Here are a few examples:

----Little kids' shoes on the wrong feet--  I'm just happy they have shoes on.  If they ask me if their shoes are on the right feet I'll tell them the truth, but if it doesn't bother them, it doesn't bother me.  If we're going to church or getting a family picture taken I will make sure their shoes are on the right feet.  If Abe sees them with shoes on the wrong feet, he will immediately help them correct it.  I'm glad he does.  I hope my lack of early concern doesn't damage the bones in their feet, but little kid bones are still kind of soft, so it's probably okay.

--- Couch cushions put on the couch backwards.  I'm just happy the cushions are on the couch and not being used as wrestling mats on the living room floor.  It is true that the silver zippers are showing outwards, but so what?  If I was hosting a big gathering in my home or if my visiting teachers were coming over, I would put them on the right way.  But they are just as soft to sit on if they are on forward or backward.  This drives Abe nuts.  I say, if it bothers you fix it.  I've got bigger fish to fry.

---Milk caps missing from milk jugs.  Occasionally (maybe once a month) the lid to the milk jug goes missing.  I honest to goodness do not know what happens to it.  Does someone throw it away?  Does it slide under the bookshelf?  Does it fall down the air vent.  I don't know.  I don't care.  The important question is, "Is the milk put away?"  If the milk is put away then all is well.  A jug of milk doesn't last that long in our house, so the lid-less one will be finished off soon enough and the next jug will have a lid.  The missing milk cap really gets Abe's goat.  The kitchen counters can be filled with dirty dishes and crumbs, but a missing milk cap?  Missing the forest for the tree.

---Toothpaste lids.  This falls in the same category as milk lids, but it's so cliche that I won't go into any explanation on it.  You can guess which side of that issue we fall on. 

I don't mean to bust on Abe.  His knack for details is a great benefit to our family in many ways.  He can  wrap his mind around things that are completely beyond me.  He can really think through things and he edits all my writing because I always have mistakes that I don't catch.  He reminds me of things I have going on and plans wonderful events for our family.  I come up with a lot of ideas, but he is the one who helps execute them.  

He does details really well and I do big picture really well.  I guess that makes us a pretty good team.


Gabrielle Kim said...

Betsy, you are always welcome at our house. Abe, you can come, but the fridge and bathrooms are off limits - sorry!

Marilyn Jolley said...

Betsy, I am so glad that I have found your blog -- It is a delight!! Marriage is the blending of two to make the whole. Your children are blessed to have you and Abe working together! My blog isn't as thought provoking but it does have some stuff...

Castiel Moyes said...

Amen sister! Dustin and I are the same way! I am like running at capacity and just don't have time to worry about the rest but stuff like that totally bugs Dustin too.

Baden said...

Me and Baden are somewhat similar. One of our main issue is pens. Baden KEEPS TRACK OF PENS! He's like "where is that pen with the blue lid I just had?" To me pens are like butterflies that flit in and out of my life totally at random- if by chance there is one in my purse I don't know how it got there (I know I steal some sometimes on accident) and if I had one ten seconds ago I don't know where it is now. But really truthfully, neither Baden nor I are extremely detail oriented people like Abe is, so we get in trouble a lot!

Betsy Fox said...

Ha ha ha, Mary! This cracked me up! I particularly like the comparison of pens to butterflies. The trick is just to enjoy them (pens and butterflies) while they are there and have faith that another will come along soon.

Baden Fox said...

Exactly Betsy! You just have to resign yourself to the Eb and Flow of pens in your life - at times you will a purseful, and at times you will have to look 10 minutes for one. I remember saying before that I relinquishe my ownership on all pens, set them free, if you will. You stole my pen? I would never notice.
The problem is the pen hoarders who do not consider pens communal property and accost you when you try to walk out of the grocery store with their pen.