Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Weather

I'm not really one to complain about the weather.  It all goes back to the "Serenity" poem I had to write in my 8th grade calligraphy class.  

Why complain about the weather?  Your complaining won't change the weather, nor will it make you feel any better about the weather.  I don't see much point.

That being said, the current weather here in Utah is seriously cramping my style.  We are having rain, rain, and more rain.  Fortunately we are in no danger of flooding like many parts of Utah and the country are, but we are suffering nonetheless.  Along with the clouds up in the sky we have a very heavy cloud of grouchiness hovering over our family right now.  Several of the children are very off kilter the last couple of days.  Some of them are the very children I usually count on to help keep the emotional balance of the family in tact.  Some of them are the usual offenders.  

It probably has something to do with Operation: Work Before Play.  It's no fun.  It has some satisfying aspects, but it's no fun.

It also has to do with the reality of being back into the full swing of school and regular life after our marvelous Great Plains Adventure.  Perhaps we should sell our home, buy a motor home and hit the road on a more permanent basis.  We could become gypsies!!!  No, I don't think so.

As I think about it-- this funk we're in is probably my fault.  How's that for an unhealthy dose of mom guilt?

I think I felt such rejuvenation after our trip that I went a little manic.  I thought we could revolutionize our whole lives-- We will be organized!  We will accomplish every single school thing every single day!  We won't watch any TV or movies!  The dishes and laundry will always be done!  We will have healthy, home cooked, sit down meals every night!  Every person has to wear clean underwear every day!   I will exercise everyday!  I will plan out our curriculum for next year before we even finish this year!

Perhaps I've been the hovering cloud of grouchiness.  You think?  Once again I prescribe one giant chill-pill for myself.  I will chillax and enjoy my people again.  Which unrealistic expectation shall I release first?  There are so many to choose from.  I suppose next year's curriculum can wait.  And take out pizza for dinner sounds great.  Heck, let's watch a movie tonight.   

But I won't budge on the clean underwear thing.  I think that is entirely realistic. 


Andrea said...

If you do decide to hit the road and become Gypsies let me know. We can caravan.

Gabrielle Kim said...

I'm glad that you're sticking to your guns with the whole clean underwear thing.
If the sun gets a permanent vacation I think moms should get one too!

Betsy Fox said...

The funny thing is-- I ALREADY do Deals to Meals and it is wonderful, but sometimes I just get tired of cooking and so I stop making good meals for a while. It's time for me to get back on the chuck wagon!