Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Peach Pit

We have a peach tree in our backyard.  If you look closely at this picture you may be able to tell that our peach tree is not a very healthy tree.  It is completely lopsided and there are only branches and leaves on one side of the tree.  I do not know the circumstances surrounding the peach tree's maiming, but I'm fairly certain it involved my children and tree abuse.  

When we moved into this home in the summer of 2007 our peach tree produced a lovely crop of fruit.  And then it went barren for the next four years.  I assumed the lack of fruit stemmed from the unfortunate tree abuse.
But lo and behold!  It is Summer 2011 and the tree has produced again!  Or at least the south side of the tree has produced again.
Beautiful baskets full of fuzzy sweet peaches.

I should get right to work bottling peaches.
Except that I don't know how to bottle peaches. 
And I don't even like eating peaches, anyway.
I'm not going to bottle these peaches.

But I do have a lot of peaches sitting in my kiddie pool, so if any friends or neighbors want them, they are yours.

If no one wants my peaches, rest assured that my children will find another use for them.  They already had a grand idea this afternoon-- putting a bunch of the not so pretty peaches on the trampoline and go nuts jumping around and letting the peaches fly all over.  Dangerous, but exciting.  Kind of like a giant ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese.

Such clever little darlings.
What will they think to do with the apples?

1 comment:

Gabrielle Kim said...

You don't like peaches??? Even the fresh ones off of your own tree? I am shocked, truly shocked, but I won't hold it against you.