Friday, September 23, 2011


Elinor and I are working hard to understand one another this school year.  She is not a fighter, and so if she doesn't want to do something she rarely takes an oppositional stance.  There is no arguing, no yelling or crying.  She simply and silently goes and does something else.  She goes in slow motion and when under duress suddenly must go use the bathroom.  Consequently it is taking her many hours to get her school work done.

But eventually I will track her down and insist that she sit down (and stay put) and do her school work.  She has been more elusive than usual this week, so she had a bit of school work to catch up on today.  It was an exercise in patience for both of us.

 Which brings me to my top five "favorite" techniques my people use to express their frustration with me and let me know that I am causing them discomfort.  How dare I?  

1.  The eye-roll.  Classic.  
2.  The long, deep sigh. 
3.  A seeming lack of ability to sit up straight and instead turning into noodle body or noodle fingers.
4.  Sudden and severe hearing loss.  Is it possible that they really didn't hear me?  NO, it is not.
5.  Silly playing, teasing, tickling, poking and wrestling with a sibling while they are suppose to be focusing on school work.

And I can understand where they are coming from.  I know school work is not the most enjoyable thing to do.  I am really trying to instill the idea that if you focus and get your work done first, then you can more fully enjoy your play time later.  But sometimes they get past me and something like this is the result.  Clark created this "Rough Rider".  The rider is tied in with ropes and the laundry basket works like a helmet.

And then the Rough Rider is pushed at top speed across the bumpy lawn.  That is fun--
And I wonder why they keep escaping outside.  As much as I don't love the cold weather of Winter, it is easier to keep track of the kiddos.

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