Friday, September 16, 2011

Make Way For Ducklings

Do you know the children's book, Make Way For Ducklings?  Mrs. Mallard has 8 ducklings and she teaches them everything they need to know about being ducks.  She proudly waddles along through the streets of Boston as her fine feathered offspring dutifully follow behind.

We drove to St. George yesterday for a retreat with our book club friends (more on that later).  We made a couple of stops at gas stations for leg stretching and potty breaks.  I felt very much like Mrs. Mallard as I led my brood of well behaved little darlings through the aisles of the gas station convenience store to the back to find the restrooms. 

The trip got off to a very slow start yesterday.  We planned to leave at 1:00, and as you may know, when we plan to leave on a trip at 1:00--- it is possible that we might not get off until 1:15, but it will be with a great deal of shame that we didn't leave at 1:00.  If nothing else, we are punctual. 

As all 8 of us were strapped in our seats and ready to go, Abe tried to turn the key and... nothing.
Dead battery from leaving the car doors open so much.  We attempted a jump start with Abe's car and still nothing.  Blah.  Long story short, we called a guy to come fiddle with the battery and jump it with a magical box.  Hooray!  Three hours later we were on the road for a very uneventful drive down to play with our friends. 

1 comment:

Mothership said...

I'm so glad you got the car going--and no new battery? That's even better!

I always feel like a clown car when all fifty of us pile out; we keep coming and coming and I can almost see observers counting. (: