Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Day of Our Life

Good heavens!  Time passes so quickly.  This coming summer will be FIVE years since we moved into this house.  I am shocked.  I really cannot believe that I will turn 35 this summer.  That isn't that old and I am not at all horrified of getting older.  It is more just disbelief that it's actually happening.  How did I end up with six children?  Obviously I bore each of them, but our days are full of activity from the moment we wake up until we go to bed.  It's not all work, and certainly not unpleasant, but there are no dull moments.

Writing on this blog is good for me for many reasons, and one of them is that it makes me stop and reflect and think about what I hope to remember about my child rearing years.  I am afraid if I don't record things, my memories will be gone because I was so busy living.  Tonight I will be making note of what everyone was up to today.  It was a very average day, so here is "a day of our life":

Betsy-- Taught six piano lessons (I am a human metronome). Dressed the three younger kids and demanded that they keep their clothes (including shoes and socks) on all day.  Cannon succeeded only because he couldn't untie his double knotted shoes laces, and Faith failed miserably.  Made sure all four kids practiced their instruments, especially their recital songs for our upcoming piano recital.  Failed to get dinner prepared in a timely manner because we are running low on groceries so I picked up a bag of Arby's roast beef sandwiches.  Drove carpool to get Elinor and her friend to Tae Kwon Do.  My library card is of much more value to me than my debit card.  Just finished reading Flyboys

Abe--  Worked all day to bring home the bacon.  Picked up milk and Elinor from Tae Kwon Do on his way home from work.

Clark-- He is in a Lego mode right now.  He has set up Lego land in the family room with baby gates to guard against Georgie.  He gets his school work done everyday without any urging (Hallelujah!).  Is working feverishly to memorize his recital song (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing).  Is making red and green sugar crystals for Faith's Christmas present.  He insists on remaining in his basement room to sleep rather than retreating to the warmth of an upstairs shared bedroom with the little boys.  His best friend is Taylor.  Basketball practice starts tomorrow night.

Bethany-- Played beautifully in a Christmas violin recital tonight.  Her teacher made Bethany's evening by specifically calling after the recital and saying how well she played.  She got her ballet costume last night and put it on and showed me her dance.  I told her I quite like her how she is right now and she doesn't need to grow any older.  She is intent on defying my wishes.   She reads a lot.  Her piano recital song is all ready to go. Did finish her school work.  Played with Rachel and Kara this afternoon.

Elinor-- Happily went to Tae Kwon Do. Played with Enoch this afternoon.  Does not want to clean her room.  Happily practiced her recital song (O Holy Night). Makes a mean batch of cornbread muffins.  Can't decide what she wants to be when she grows up-- an artist, a scientist, or a chef.  Is campaigning for president of a cousin's club up in Spokane, WA. Wants a bird really bad for Christmas- "Particularly a cockatoo, but a parakeet would be okay".  She is enjoying doing Legos with Clark.

Faith-- She practiced her gymnastics a lot this evening.  Is always the first to volunteer to do her piano practicing.  Her friend Lois came over to play today.  Stays up way too late at night with the big kids.  She cannot wait for it to be Christmas day.

Cannon-- Struggles to eat normal food with the family.  Had a slight allergic reaction to lotion recently.   Covets Clark's Legos.  Is always the first child awake in the morning.  Drew all over his face during church on Sunday-- I was on the stand to play the organ when Clark and Bethany looked at me in alarm.  Clark took him out and cleaned him up.  Since there was nothing I could do, it was very funny.

George-- He is sick and has been for a few days, but I think he is finally bad enough that I really do need to take him to the doctor.  Climbs up on all the chairs and the table.  He has 2 months before he can go to nursery.  (Hip, hip, hooray!)

1 comment:

Ruth Call said...

Betsy, this is so cool! I didn't know that Elinor took Tae Kwon Do.
I love all the pictures.
Love Ruth