Monday, February 17, 2014

Friends in Winter

Good friends and family help pass the long winter days.
Bethany and Corrine sewing doll clothes from old, worn-out clothing.
A Valentine's part at Isabelle's house.
Playing "school" in the cold basement.  But not just any school... school in a bomb shelter during WWII.  Why is playing "school" so much fun, but actual school work is to be avoided at all costs?  I have an idea.  Why don't you play school, but actually do your real school work?
Dance party with girlfriends.
Dancing and poetry recitation.
Sword fighting lets off a little steam.   Better a fellow teenage boy that your sisters.
It's somewhat rare to get a picture of Clark these days because he's been gone from home so much.  His FIRST Robotics team will be finishing up a very intense six week build session tomorrow and we're looking forward to having him around a little more.

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