Saturday, July 12, 2014

One Week Home

It has been a very busy week since we arrived home late last Saturday evening.  On the one hand, time moves so very slowly when eight months pregnant in the heat of the summer.  But on the other, how is it possible that a whole week past? Yet it feels like we arrived back home two days ago?  It actually frightens me that my perception of time passing is so inaccurate.

Bethany left early Monday morning for a week of Oakcrest girls camp.  This is a church owned and run girls camp for young women, but they only go once-- the summer after their 7th grade year.  She came home Friday afternoon and she LOVED it.  I was so happy that she had such a fun, uplifting week and wanted to soak it all in-- making new friends and enjoying all the experiences camp had to offer. 
We celebrated her homecoming with a bit more grown-up hair style.  Our friend and neighbor cut it and I think it is adorable on her!  I am so glad my Bethany is home.
Bethany is not the only one who needed a hair change.  I was growing my hair out throughout this pregnancy, thinking that if my body was getting markedly larger, my head should not remain small with a really short haircut.
But the longer hair was driving me nuts!  My head and neck were so hot and I didn't even like the longer hair anyway.  So I'm back to the pixie cut and I could not be happier.  This is the hairstyle for me at this point in my life-- even if Abe did say the shorter hair accentuates my growing tummy... hmmm.  Rash decisions at the end of a pregnancy often do not turn out well.  Fortunately for me, I think this one did. 
But you know what was a bad decision?  Trying to go shoe shopping this evening.  Wow!  That was uncomfortable!  It is getting harder to put my shoes on at home, much less try on pair after pair while sitting on a little stool.  
Elinor and her friend Megan collected and prepared individual habitats for about 30 snails.  They hoped to sell them to neighborhood friends today, but the heat of the day was too much.  They put off their snail stand to another day.  Let's pray they survive.

Clark left for Youth Conference on Thursday and got back home this afternoon.  They went rafting on the Green River and from all reports it was great fun.  I am so grateful for these experiences our children get to have with other great youth and for leaders who take time away from their families to plan and take the youth.  Both Clark and Bethany came home in such good spirits.  Thank you, thank you to those leaders!
My dear friend and sister-in-law, Mary, is staying in Utah with her family this week and she was so kind to bring us dinner Friday night.  The kids were so happy to see their cousins again so soon after the reunion and I just love talking with Mary.  She is a wise woman and as they have recently moved out to Kansas, I am hoping I still get plenty of time talking with her over the years. 

The  younger kids and I had a somewhat slower week.  Our washer has been having problems, so we took a couple of trips to the local laundromat.  Exciting.  Once again, laundromats are not bad things.  You can get a lot of laundry done in a short amount of time.  I do think the owners would be wise to make them more hospitable, welcoming, comfortable places.  Abe has been working tirelessly (when he's been home) to fix the washer and there is hope.  Perhaps next week we will enjoy the luxury of doing our laundry at home.  
And one more note about Abe, he has been working so hard this summer and he had a really great week at work this week.  I am very proud of him and thankful for his hard work in behalf of our family.

This week was also my birthday on Tuesday.  I was treated very well by so many people that I'm feeling more than a little guilty.  I don't think I'm as good a friend as I should be.  People are so very thoughtful and I would like to do better at remembering special events for other people.  Abe and I went out to dinner with my most favorite cousin, Ben, and his lovely wife Cali.  She is my age and due about a month after me with a surprise baby when they thought they were done.  We had lots to discuss and great conversation.

I don't know if I should hope that the next four weeks pass as quickly as this one did or not.  Now that this baby is almost upon us, I'm realizing there are quite a few things I really must get done and ready before his arrival.  I'm hoping to be induced on August 11th so we might be within the one month count down!

1 comment:

Schramm Family said...

You should have heard Corrine gasp when she saw the picture of Bethany....