Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dear Friends,

I just have to begin this post with this:  An adorable picture of Peter.

Dear Friends,
Will you just be my friend and listen to me whine and complain for a minute.  Just a minute and then I'll move on.
I am EXHAUSTED.  Peter doesn't sleep well at night or during the day.  He doesn't eat well.  For a few days he was gobbling up solid foods, but now he's resisting them.  Some days his digestive system seems to be working well.  Other days he seems very uncomfortable.  No sign of teeth yet, and most of my babies do teethe later, but something is bugging him.  He keeps getting coughs and a runny nose.  As soon as I think I've got him figured out and we have one smooth day, the next day there is something else making him unhappy.  Quite frankly, it is embarrassing to me that with all my supposed experience, I seem to be incapable of managing this little person.  He is quite partial to me, so maybe I'm doing something right in that he prefers me to anyone else. I guess that's something.   I had really hoped he would get easier once he reached the sixth month mark.  That does not appear to be the case.  Elinor was a comparably unsettled baby until she was more mobile and independent, but at least she slept and ate well.  I don't feel like I'm doing anything well with Peter.
Am I being melodramatic?  I hope so and this isn't actually the reality.
A friend recommended a regular dose of Hyland's teething tablets.  Anyone else have any experience with those?  I am going to get a white noise machine today in the hope that that will help him sleep.  
I'm not ready to let him cry it out at night.  Mostly because he keeps getting sick and lots of crying will only exacerbate his discomfort.  I'm sure that a lot of his unhappiness is his own sleep deprivation.   I don't know that there is much to be done other than enduring this stage.  How dreary that sounds.

Unfortunately for me, like someone who doesn't hold their liquor well, I don't handle lack of sleep very well.  Can you say depression?  I just don't see things clearly and things that don't normally bother me and aren't a burden, start to feel very heavy and overwhelming.  For almost four years I have walked several mornings a week with my good friend.  That has done wonders for my mental health to start the morning with exercise and talking.  I'm finding it very difficult to get up and meet her with any regularity because of the rough nights with Peter.  Lots of waking up and nursing.
So, BLAH.  Whine, whine, boo-ho, woest me.  This too shall pass and I'm sure we'll all be better for it.  There.  I'm done.
He is really cute.  I really do love him.  I'm very grateful to have him in our family.
It's been the lack of sleep talking-- talking very loudly.  But our love for Peter will talk louder.


ollielouie said...

We use the teething tablets for Caroline and they work well.

ollielouie said...

We use the teething tablets for Caroline and they work well.

Anonymous said...

You are not alone in those feelings friend! We welcomed baby #6 four months ago and she has totally rocked my mothering world! when people learn I have six kids and start to think I'm supermom or something, I always say, the older I get and the more children I have, the more I realize I don't have a clue what I'm doing! Lol! Keep your chin up; I know exactly how you're feeling. :) -Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Seriously, sounds like my 2nd baby out 0f 5, now 6th on the way. I had to put him in a backpack on me, or a sling for him to sleep and for me to get anything done. At night, I had him beside me and I took a smooth stone and ran it up and down his skin all. night. long. If I stopped, he'd wake up and cry. He wouldn't go to anyone else, but liked kangaroo care with daddy. screamed anytime we put him in his car seat, even to and from church a few streets away. He is almost ten now, and a great kid. Some are just ultra high needs, and no, he isn't autistic. Pediatric bi polar was tossed around, but no signs of it at all now. My advice, hunker down and put everything on the back burner. I finally put a tv in his room by his crib, something i swore id never do, and play a recorded tape of curious george all night. He'd watch it until he dozed off, I don't think he ever slept through a full night until he was 7 or 8. But that let me get sleep, without making him scream all night. Good luck! - Happy to stalk your blog every few months :)

Amy F. said...

I really really get what you're going through. All my babies wanted to be held ALL the time and slept in our bed with us at night. I felt pretty crazy by the time we had Asher, in a looney-bin kinda way. So we are done with six kids. I could physically have more, but mentally I hit my limit. You will survive, but it might stink for a while. The little things help. Light a candle, listen to music while you houseclean. Send the kids to the park with dad on Sundays so you can nap with baby. Love ya!!