Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Finding the Spirit of the Season

Last night we attempted a family outing to Thanksgiving Point to drive through a Christmas lights display.  George got the coveted driving spot.  There was a time when a family outing seemed a simple enough thing.  I admit, as a family we seem to operate more smoothly with a "divide and conquer" mentality.  It's not terribly often that, other than church, we all go somewhere together.

The result of such an undertaking?
Mayhem in the vehicle.
Give me strength.
The struggle is real.
I mentioned to Abe that someday he and and I would go see Christmas light together... ALONE!  He said we would miss the children.
I suppose that is possible.
Some of said children are not happy with these pictures being posted.  I suggest said children ought not to have tormented my peaceful drive through the lights display.
Just as advertised, they did have real, live reindeer near the Water Tower at Thanksgiving Point.   That was fun.  They were smaller than I expected.  We were given a coupon for a free hot chocolate we could get at a little stand right by the reindeer, but neither Abe or I felt like standing in line.  The children's behavior hadn't improved much from what it was in the car and I really couldn't take the public exposure.  In the privacy of our own car was one thing...
Peter took the reindeer very seriously!  We did head to Arctic Circle for ice cream afterwards.  Our shenanigans were then contained in the car as we went through the drive-through.  Unfortunately, we didn't organize our orders beforehand, so there was much confusion as everyone shouted their orders.
What can I say?   Such a simple outing overwhelmed me.  I think it must be the stress of the season.

Every year I desperately want to avoid such stress.  I was to bask in the glow of the light of Christ.  I want to gather my family around and enjoy the simple pleasures of home and warmth and love.  I am admit, I think I am completely failing in my quest.  Almost every evening we "divide and conquer" and run from one big event to another.  They are all good things, but I find it exhausting.  And of course of the expectation and hope of something else, is disappointing.
I did read this calming article that helped my perspective.  I did listen to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.  I have loved the music of the season.
And speaking of music.  About my favorite thing in the world these days is Peter dancing with his pointing fingers whenever he hears a song come on the radio that he likes.  He'll keep a straight face, especially if he's tired, but his dancing fingers give him away.

Here's to finding more peace and calm and joy in the season.  I love this video.  It brings me joy and hope.  Merry Christmas!


Schramm Family said...

I think we should double date to see the lights and just see if we miss the kids. We could call it a science experiment so we won't have to feel guilty.

Clark Fox said...
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Amy F. said...

Such is the life with teenagers, mine complain more than the littles. I kind of miss the days when I'd yell, ZOO, or BEACH and everyone would scream with excitement. It's tough to do something with all ages and keep everyone happy. :) But as moms, we have to MAKE them have fun. Am I right? Haha.