Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Welcome September

Ahh!... the joy of geometry.
I took a picture (as you now see) and Bethany said, "Mother, this is why people thing homeschoolers are weird!".
True, so true.
Triangle Man.
Do you think he's heard the song by They Might Be Giants?
When we do our scriptures and reading aloud together each day we always start with a song and a prayer.  And we always sing the same song-- per Peter's request demand.  "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam".  And Faith always pops him up into the sky on the "...beam" parts.  It delights him.  And that is reason enough to humor him and sing the same song everyday.
An action shot of Peter and Faith on the right and cute little Greta playing with toys in her favorite sitting position.
One of the good things about Cannon having his Ballet West dance classes down at Thanksgiving Point is that if I plan things right, I can take little people with me and we can hang out at the museums down there during Cannon's class. 
Last Friday evening was particularly enjoyable because I just took Pete and we went to the dinosaur museum.  One kid in a museum?  Are you kidding?  It was a cakewalk!  I didn't feel anxious or stressed one little bit.  Even when he screamed and cried when it was time to go and said I was evil.  I could remain cool as a cucumber.  He had had a perfectly lovely time, until it was time to go.  Transitions can be rough when you're three.
 What a kidder.
Also, 6:00 to 7:00 on a Friday night was a really great time to go to the museum.  Almost nobody there.
Saturday I took Cannon and another dancer downtown for a Nutcracker rehearsal.  Once again, I thought I'd make it fun for the younger kids and we went to the zoo during the two hour rehearsal.  We had a really enjoyable time and although it was a bit sprinkling rainy, it wasn't at all too hot. 
We had a treat of popcorn.
And we enjoyed a treat of riding the carousel.
They are my joy!  Bethany and Elinor were excited for the super hero themed multi-stake dance last Saturday night.  They got matching shirts and hats.
The evening did not disappoint-- they had a great time.

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