Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12, 2018

Peter has a few articles of clothing that are so offensive to him, they cause him to turn into the hulk.  Full on rage if I even suggest to dress him in his gray corduroy pants.  The long-sleeved yellow shirt induces much wailing and gnashing of teeth.  Lately if he resists clothing I just chuck the article into the DI or trash pile. Just. Not. Worth. It.
These overalls are iffy for him.  Someday he accepts them.  Some days not.  But on this particular day, he was the cutest little train conductor wearing his "train pants."
 George's "workshop" out in the garage.
Captain Red.
Faith building her latest Tinkercrate- a walking robot. 
Side note about Faith-- her teeth are falling out left and right.  She is losing teeth at an alarming rate and frankly, it is really too much for the tooth fairy to keep up with.
George and one of his Kiwi Crate creations-- all about light.  These Tinker Crates and Kiwi Crates are monthly box subscriptions and I cannot recommend them highly enough.  It's really George and Faith that love them the most, but they go a long way in relieving any pressure I might feel to do cool science experiments.
We had our kids book club this week and we read A Long Way From Chicago, which I had read with the older kids when they were younger and it is a favorite.  One of our activities was building privies (outhouses) out of blocks and then taking turns trying to knock down the privies.  What can I say?  It was a hit!  Pun intended.
Some people got fancy with double-decker privies.
Some were very sturdy.
We had a great time and after all these years, book club is still about our favorite thing each month.
So, another thing that made my eyes leak this week was this quote I came across.  It reminded me of Clark and the struggles we I had when he was younger.  Now, it reminds me to be patient with my little Peter.    
And this is my favorite picture of the week-- The D&D gang (at least part of them) geeking out in the basement even though Clark isn't with them.  They make me happy!  Even as I type, I hear their joyful, excitable voices and laughter coming from the basement.  That's one of things I thought I would miss the most when Clark left, so it's especially heart warming.
And a shout out to my favorite swimmer girl!  She continues to work hard and drop her freestyle race times.  The swim seasons is starting to wind down-- they are tapering to get ready for regions in a couple of weeks.  This girl is a gem!  A GEM, I tell you.

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