Thursday, September 16, 2010

Infant Torture Device

Car seats.  I know they are a good thing.  They save lives.
I appreciate that I can strap Cannon into his car seat and he can't get out.   It doesn't matter how mad he is about something, he can't hurt Faith if he's strapped in.
I wish Faith could buckle up her own seat belt, but that will come in time.
But what I am having a problem with is that George HATES the car seat.  Screams every moment he is in his car seat.  Sadly for George, he is child #6, and we have places to go in the car.  Dance, football, soccer, piano, classes-- there is no way to avoid the car seat.   
Sometimes the kids and I turn the music up to drown out the crying.  The kids are learning not to ask me for anything while George is wailing away.  I can handle it for about 5 minutes before I feel my mommy stress sensors go off. 
I don't understand-- I thought babies were suppose to like riding in the car!  I thought car rides were suppose to put babies to sleep!   But this is four babies in a row that hate the car seat!!!!! And each one seems to hate it more than the one before.  Can anything be done about this?  Am I doing something wrong????
Can you tell we were in the car for a while this evening and it didn't go well???


  1. Ivy is the same way and I don't know who it is more torturous for her, me or the rest of the kids that get the stressed out mommy attitude! I am sorry. I does TOTALLY suck!

  2. My little brother Eric used to hate the car seat and would scream and scream and scream. So, since we lived in the middle of nowhere, my mom would let me take him out of his seat and hang his head out the window while we traveled into town. I don't know if that would go over very well in Riverton, but it was effective. Ahhh memories.

  3. Misty,
    I guess those were the "good old days". I WISH we could still do that. Except for Cannon-- he needs to stay in his chair!

  4. Growing up in an 11 member-family and most or all of us needing to fit into the family belts what were those things? Car seats??....That is what laps and older siblings' arms were for.

    I remember cleaning out the "Sub" once and truly being astounded to find some seat belts buried beneath cushions.....I didn't even know how they worked at first!!
