Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Something New

Clark went to his first ever wrestling practice today.  This is new for all of us.  First thoughts:
--wrestling rooms are stinky
--I am glad there are no girls signed up for wrestling
--all that Tae Kwon Do prepared him very well for wrestling (flexibility, coordination)
--they are really going to work these boys--Clark is exhausted
--hopefully this will prevent Clark from trying to wrestle with Bethany
--a sport where knocking other kids down and making them beg for mercy is sanctioned?  YES!  I think Clark may have found his sport!

In other news,

I got a flat tire in Abe's car while driving Clark to wrestling.  Exciting, and not in the good way. 

How mean of me.
I'm trying to force feed George some baby food.  He doesn't like it and doesn't really need it, but I do need a bit more sleep and I'd like to shut down the "all-night-diner", (that would be me).  I'm hoping he might sleep a bit better with something a little more solid in the belly.

Faith wears regular clothing for 5-6 hours a day.  That's all she can take before she must put pajamas back on.  I need some sort of reward system for her if she can keep her clothes on all day.  What will she do when she has to go to school all day?  Oh wait... she can wear PJ's at her school.  Oh, all right-- wear your jammies if you want to.

We are rapidly approaching the age of potty-training.  We've had some early success thus far, and I don't want to miss any windows of opportunity, but I've got a few big events in the next couple of weeks, so it's going to have to wait a bit longer.
I'm pretty sure when they can clearly articulate, "Don't look at me-- I'm pooping!",   you know it's time.  On a funny little note, Cannon has coined the term "pooties" for poopies (as in "Mom, I have Pooties!!").  More than you probably wanted to know, but then of course, like all good parents, we think our little junior is just adorable.
Perhaps dancing with Faith to "Princess Tea Party" is Cannon's way of trying to make up to her for the gash on her cheek he inflicted with his weapon/claw fingernails that have since been trimmed.
As usual, Faith's immediate response, through tears, "That's okay, Cannon."
No!  No, that is not okay!  Faith, when someone gashes your face, THEY should be the ones to apologize and make nice.  Where did this girl come from?  She is too kind.

1 comment:

  1. Clark as a wrestler! Watch out! That's awesome. John likes wearing his jammies all day too so he and Faith have that in common. :)
