Saturday, April 23, 2011

Great Plains Adventure Day 2

Here we are with Russell and Melissa's family in Wichita, Kansas!  We arrived about lunchtime and then we packed more into one half-day than I usually do in an entire week! 
The children with Uncle Russell were so dignified in his office at Friends University.
 We got a good taste of Kansas wind when we had a BBQ at a local park.
Abe is very envious of Russell's beard.  Oh, Abe can grow one, but his wife is a stinker.
Elinor and Alison were great buddies.
Melissa is very good about blogging and sending weekly emails to extended family, but I'm glad to see their house and city so I can picture their lives better.
Bethany and Caitlyn are the only two children who haven't conked out yet this evening.  The kids are zoinkered, but these two social butterflies are still going strong.
Faith and Kristen are just a couple weeks apart in age.  They were very busy running all over when we went down to the lovely park at The Keeper of the Plains.  It is where the Big and Little Arkansas Rivers meet.
At home, George is like an animal constantly seeking out the security of a den.  He's regularly getting himself underneath furniture.  He was confused to find he couldn't fit underneath their couch.
We're looking forward to a relaxing Easter Sunday tomorrow.


  1. AND.......After all of that, Russell and Abe (me) took a van load of Fox-ladies to an Easter "Last Week of Christ's Life" Drive-through Panorama. Very well done. Very touching.

    And now it is Easter morning. I'm SO glad to be on this trip, and I'm SO grateful to be here with Russell's family for Easter!!

  2. I am so happy that you got to visit Russell and Melissa's family! I wish they didn't live so far. From her weekly email it sounds like you had a blast together!!
