Sunday, June 9, 2013

Snakes, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails

Abe took the three boys on our ward's Father's and Son's Camp-out up Diamond Fork Canyon Friday night.  This is very near to Red Ledges, Clark's all time favorite reptile hunting grounds.  It was reported to me that Cannon did an admirable job of following in his brother's footsteps in catching snakes and lizards.
And this made him quite popular amongst the little boys.
Here is Cannon with Jake and Ryder-- his best little neighborhood friends.  They play together quite a bit and the other day Cannon was being rather grouchy with his siblings.  I told him that maybe he needed some time away from his friends so he could remember how to be nice to his family.  He very calmly explained to me, "But Mom, I love my friends more than my family."
Oh, I see.  Yes, that is exactly why you need a little more time with your family.
Clark's reptile collection is at an all time high right now.
It kind of grosses me out, but I will admit that he is doing a good job of taking care of them all.  I think he should start a business where he goes around to schools, libraries, fairs, birthday parties and such, showing his collection and teaching about reptiles.  We'll have to work on that.
George was so happy to be going on the camp-out.  This was his first and he stuck pretty close to Abe, but he loved it.
Here with Abe and Clark is Sam.  He is a twelve year old in our ward who has a special relationship with Abe.  Sam is autistic and Abe taught him in primary for several years.  Sam loves Brother Fox and Brother Fox loves Sam.
The little boys enjoying their pancakes and sausage in the morning.  Abe was grateful they got a good night's sleep.
Clark and a few of his fellow deacons hunted reptiles, hiked and learned to gamble.
Mmm..hmm.   You read that right.  He learned to play blackjack and gambled with candy.  Oh, well.
It's good for the boys to get to go be boys.

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