Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Family Pictures Spring 2014

A big thanks to Allison Sherman for taking our latest family pictures .  We had planned an outdoor photo shoot at the beginning of April, but there was a wet snowstorm the evening we had planned.  Perhaps we should have postponed until we had nicer weather, but it is such an ordeal to schedule pictures and to get all the clothes clean and ready, that we decided to force the issue and switch to an indoor location.  These were taken at the Utah State Capitol.
We are expecting a baby boy in a couple of months, so it might not seem to make much sense to do family pictures before his arrival.  However, it has been about a year and a half since we last took pictures of the kids and since they don't do school pictures, I do have to keep up on these things. One of my most treasured family pictures was taken when I was expecting Tessa, so I'm not terribly opposed to pictures when I'm pregnant. 
Clark-- almost 15 years old and 6 ft tall.  
Bethany-- age 13.  All of Bethany's individual pictures led us to a discussion about smiling naturally in pictures.  She's a beautiful girl, but not terribly happy with these pictures.
Elinor-- age 11
Faith-- age 8
Cannon-- age 6.  Perhaps we should have chosen one where he was making a peace sign. 
George-- almost age 4.  I'm glad this picture was taken before he gave himself a haircut this week.
Almost 17 years of marriage and almost 8 children later.  Not too shabby, if I do say so myself
I do like this picture.  This is how I like to envision my children.  Aren't they darling?  Just when I think we're doing all right...
...I am reminded of the reality of my life.  My, how quickly things deteriorate!  Poor George looks frightened.  I don't blame him.  I am frightened myself.  I love them, but they are frightening sometimes.

Thank you, Allison for working your magic once again.

1 comment:

  1. Love the colors, love the location, love these people!!
