Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Return of the Backyard Campout

I can't say enough good things about the great backyard camp out!  All the benefits of camping, none of the mess or danger.  The boys were disappointed when Abe told them thy wouldn't be staying overnight at the Fathers and Sons camp out this weekend because he needed to work Saturday morning.  So he appeased them with grilled hot dogs, s'mores, and a backyard camp out this evening.  Because Abe's weekends are so busy with work over the summer, we'll be doing a lot of our recreating during the week.
With the heat of the day it was so enjoyable to spend the evening in the coolness of the backyard.  And Abe was so good as to plan and execute dinner all by himself.  I think every Wednesday should be Wienie Roast Wednesday!
Elinor is happiest with a book in hand.
Rub-a dub-dent, three kids in a tent.
Three kids rather in need of haircuts.
I got a haircut earlier in the day, so I had haircuts on the mind.  I cut Cannon's and George's hair while Clark and Bethany were at Mutual.  Cannon is easy-- curly hair is very forgiving.  George's didn't go so well, so he might be getting a buzz tomorrow.
Scary faces for scary stories around the fire.  Not exactly a campfire, but the quick fire serves it purpose well.
Settling down for the night.
See what I mean about George's hair?  Even he knows its miserable.
With the baby due in August, this is going to be a rather low-key summer for the younger kids and me.  The big kids will be occupied with camps and activities, but the little ones will have lots of time with neighborhood friends and time with the sprinklers in the backyard.  Sounds good to me.  Adventure will wait for another summer.


  1. Our kids love backyard campouts too! We're going to miss these crazy days trying to keep lots of kids busy someday!
