Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Greta's Visitors

Abe's sister's family was in town for a family reunion on her husband's side.  Aunt Samatha, Ruth, Talitha, and Abby were Greta's first visitors.
Clark got everyone where they needed to be Wednesday morning, but then they came over for a sibling visit.  Elinor was off at Oakcrest (girls' camp) for the week so she didn't get to meet Greta until Friday once we were home.  We knew she'd be sad to miss Greta in the hospital, but we also knew what a great time she was having a camp.  We wanted her to stay and soak it all in because the baby would be here when she got back.
Let the excitement of 8 children begin!
Little sillies.
Cannon and Faith reenact giving birth.
Abe's other sister Marjorie came up from Orem for a visit.  This gal LOVES babies!
Neighbor and dear friend Michelle J. stopped in for a visit.  She has a busy couple of weeks coming up as Young Women's president with girls camp and youth conference.
Grandma and Grandpa Cannon came over after their missionary work for the day was over.
Aunt Brig (my sister) has been to visit me in the hospital with every single baby except George, but that is only because she was recovery in another hospital from giving birth to her Emi the day before.
 Annie C., a friend and neighbor has the same Dr. and was at the hospital for an appointment.  She is expecting a baby girl in October and since we already have two who match up in ages, I hope our kids will spend quite a bit of time together over the years.
Camille S. gave the me the best postpartum advice I've ever heard.
"Oh, and remember.... wait as long as you possibly can (maybe 2 years) to put on real pants. As soon as someone... anyone.... sees you in real pants they assume you are recovered and ready to get back to normal routine. Keep the pajama bottoms on as long as you can possibly stand it. If you must wear real pants, do it alone... in your room.... don't even let your hubby know....."
How wise.
 Uncle Daniel (Abe's oldest brother)
Aunt Lori (Daniel's wife).
They were the last of the hospital visitors.  I really felt so good after her delivery and the whole time in the hospital.  I think it has to do with delivering such a small baby (small for me, anyway).
 Is this a happy papa or what?  I love how much Abe loves babies-- especially baby girls!
Her hair is much thinner and shorter on top, but from the back it's so thick.  It's also quite light compared to most of the others.  Cannon was pretty light as well.
Ready to come home on Thursday night.
First car ride.
Favorite hospital picture.

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