Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017

Power outage selfie.
 A few evenings ago I went out with Elinor and Faith to run a couple of errands in preparation for Easter.  As I left home I requested of Abe that the little boys not just watch TV while I was gone.
A little while later I received a text message from Abe that the power was out.
My request was granted!  They did not watch TV.  We arrived home to Abe and the boys having a seance.
Not really, but they did have about 12 candles lit, which was quite cozy.  And we stayed up late reading Harry Potter by flashlight, which was quite lovely.  We have just finished the third book and started the 4th.
Elinor and couple of friends from her FIRST Lego League team entered a student innovator competition down at BYU with their FLL project they came up with a couple of years ago.
It is an emergency preparedness vest, similar to a 72 hour kit.  It has pockets and distributes weight better than a back pack.
Lo and behold!  They won 2nd place in the Jr. High division!  They won $600!  They each get $200 which they plan to put back into making a better prototype and then they've had an offer from a bigwig at BYU who would like to help them market their product.
So basically, our retirement plan just changed to, "mooch off our rich inventor daughter"!
Well, she is now an award winning inventor!
On Saturday, while the rest of everyone I knew had some fun Easter egg hunt, I took my peeps on a nature walk along the Jordan River Parkway.  To be honest, it is not the most pristine scenery, but it was sunny and I'm craving me some vitamin D.
Not too much to report from this little walk-about other than Bethany helped Peter pick a couple of wildflowers and then he melted my heart by giving one of them to me.  But then he realized he had inadvertently given me the larger of the two, and he quickly demanded we trade so he had the bigger one.  It was a lovely gesture nonetheless.
And is it just me, or do I totally have Princess Diana hair in this picture?  I tell you, the 80's will rise again.
Also, Team Middle Kids on their scooters got way too far ahead of the walkers.  I thought they'd be fine, but Elinor was very concerned so she ran ahead to try to find them and bring them back to us.  Then Elinor informed me that Abe and I are not strict enough with the little kids.  We let them get away with too much and we should be firmer.
Opinion noted.
Saturday evening Abe, Elinor, and Faith went to hear cousin Emmalyn sing in a performance of Lamb of God.  They said it was lovely.  Since I wasn't there I don't have a whole lot more to say about their experience except Emma is super talented and I like being related to talented people.
Oh, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete!  He is quite the determined little fellow these days.  I've started a new series of posts on Facebook entitled, "Why Peter is Melting Down".
In this picture Peter is very happy to get his baby food jar of bugs and worms back after a nap.  Before his nap he completely lost it because he couldn't take the jar to bed with him.
A few days before that it was because he couldn't hold Elinor's goldfish and then because he couldn't take the whole bag of carrots to bed with him.  Sometimes it's hard to be 2.
Looking Out the Window on a Rainy Day.
She cut her first tooth on her 9 month birthday.  She is the most delightful thing ever!
I love her big beautiful smile-- it reminds me so much of Bethany's smile as a baby.
Clark headed off on his "senior trip" this morning.  He and Jakob and Tanner drove to Las Vegas and then flew to Houston, TX for the the FIRST Robotics World Championship.  They were disappointed their team didn't get an invite to compete in it themselves, so they decided to go anyway and volunteer there.  Clark was so very excited for this adventure.
Faith has been working extra hard on her gymnastics lately.  We liked her messy hair after a good workout.
Faith and George are doing a good job with their violin practice.  Cannon... not so much.   It's not looking like he will have much of a future with the violin.  Bethany is doing a great job teaching them.

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