Sunday, April 2, 2017

In Which We Have an Extended Family Reunion in Boise

A couple of weeks ago Abe had the crazy idea to see... just see... if my brother and his family could meet up with us in Boise.  They live in Washington, just over the river from Portland and while it is a little further for them, Boise is close to the halfway point.
We hadn't seen Matt and Misty in quite a while and they have been through it the last six months.  She gave birth to their 3rd daughter at the end of September and a week later was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  She had brain surgery in Minnesota in December and then went back there for six weeks of radiation and is about to start chemo.  So while she wouldn't want everybody feeling sorry for her because she is so strong and so awesome and so positive, you can imagine (or more likely can't imagine what they've been through.
We were so anxious to see them and hug them and get these two baby cousins together.
UNBELIEVABLY it worked!  They came!
And when I knew they were coming I got on the horn and called my other two sibling and my parents and told them here was their chance to see Matt and Misty.  So with the exception of one brother who had family coming into town, they all came!  Here we have my brother Matt, Misty, Aliyah, Rosalie, and Juliette.
This is my sister's wonderful family: Brigitta, Dev, Takara, Brigham, Emi, and Maiya.
My Dad and Bev came up and caught some of the Friday competition, while the others didn't make it until late Friday night.  These two have been ardent supporters of the team at the Utah competitions for four years now, so they finally earned their shirts this year by traveling to see the team!
Brig, Matt, and I took a selfie, but clearly someone was missing from the upper left side-- the youngest of the four siblings, Chip (he goes by Peter in some circles).  So I texted this picture to Chip and thanks to auto-correct, my text read "...photoshop yourself above frog's head".
This is what he sent back.  This was about 6 hours ago and I'm still cracking up.
Then this.  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
The family were all such good cheerers!  It meant a lot to us to get to share this activity that we enjoy so much with our Cannon family.
You can see everyone a little better in this picture.
This is nowhere near all of them, but here's a pretty good size group of the grand children.
Clark is the oldest of my dad's grandchildren by about 8 years.  I love this picture of Clark and lots of little cousins.  
Abe giving Matt a little tutorial in how the robot game is played.
Our robot (3230) after a successful climb and a winning match and Clark giving us the X from his position as the human player on the airship.  Clark was very visible and very vocal throughout each match so it was fun for us to be able to see him so much.

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