Thursday, May 4, 2017

Happy Moments

When I firstlooked at this picture I saw four children's faces.  Then I kind of creeped myself out when I saw a fifth head over my shoulder.  I believe I snapped this picture after we had been reading some Harry Potter and it was time to stop.  At which point they literally attacked and climbed all over me begging me to read more.  Family read aloud time is the best part of the day.
Faith and Cannon at their end of year choir concert.
Abe was working later and thanks to poor planning on my part, I ended up taking Peter and Greta with me.
It wasn't a good idea, and it did not work out very well in the end.  Some little people just don't appreciate the fine arts.  Sheesh!
Wiggly, fussy little ones aside, the choir did great and I really enjoyed the musical selections this year.
 Starting them out young.
Let's just take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate that my floor was cleaning enough for a baby to be on.  Go me!
Greta just inherited the most beautiful, detailed, fully furnished, exquisite doll house in the world!
She just can't touch it till she's 8.
My friend moved recently and she passed this treasure along to us.  It was like Christmas morning!  I like George's face as he realizes the grand piano is a music box that actually plays music.
If you're really nice to me I might let you come over and play with my dollhouse.  Seriously, you have to see the detail of the furnishings.  Amazing.  It's way nicer than the house I live in.
Awww, look who we had in our neighborhood the other day.  So cute.  I feel a kinship with this mama duck. 
Another game invention by George.  This one was called "Spikes, Balls and Wheelies".  Clearly the boy is far more intelligent than I am, because I cannot figure out how to play his games.  He gets a little frustrated because "he already explained this to you".  But the games are very complicated and I just don't get it.  And even if I did understand how to play, it's completely impossible to beat him at his own game.  Others have tried.
Abe and Clark did an early morning hike together today.  He brought home a lizard.  Ahh... somethings never change.  I guess I sort of like that kind of constancy in life.
Clark was nice to bring several of his creepy crawlies to a Pack Meeting for our Cub Scouts this past week.  He did a great job entertaining the boys.  Actually, with the exception of a Pine Wood Derby, I've never seen the boys quite so enthralled at a Pack Meeting.
Cannon received his Wolf Rank at the meeting as well.  I always felt a bit of a fraud when Clark gave me a pin for his Cub Scouts, because Abe was really the one who did the work with him.  But I proudly accepted my pin for Cannon because I am his den leader, so I really did have a lot to do with him earning his Wolf badge.
Oh my goodness, I really like this kid.  I do feel badly that he didn't have his Cub Scout shirt on, but he was coming straight from his dance class and I just didn't get that far.
I know, I know... nobody cares but me.  Well, Abe might care a little as well.  And if I'm being honest, I guess I don't really care that much. And I call myself a den mother... shame on me.
A second generation of hole diggers in the backyard.  We are in a magnificent warm spell here in Utah and I can't tell you how good the sunshine and warmer temps feel.
They feel so good, that in my exuberance to get outside on my morning walk this morning, I forgot to put on a very important piece of underclothing.  I felt as free as a bird.  As free as a robin red breast.  Ahem.  No further comment.
A neighborhood pickup game of baseball for Cannon and George and friends.  I'm not the only loving this amazing spring weather.
Grandma Lou and Aunt Bertha.
Appropriate or inappropriate?  You be the judge.
No, you know what?  You don't need to judge.  It's totally inappropriate.  But they do keep me laughing.

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