Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Abe planted some beautiful marigolds in our front planters as a Mother's Day gift.  He grew up with his mother always having marigolds and I quite like the cheerful yellow flowers as well.  Anyway, they have survived their first four days of life here at our house, so we think their chances of remaining with us all summer are quite good.  We are optimistic.  We are optimistic for all forms of life that require very little care on on our part and are noted for their durability.
Cannon had the brilliant idea to buy me this stash of all my favorite treats for a Mother's Day gift and then create a treasure hunt with clues to have me find the goodies.  He convinced Abe to take him to the store early on Thursday morning.  By Thursday afternoon the treasure hunt was completed.  When you're eight years old, it's just too hard to hold on to a secret that good.  He was good enough to share the credit and glory with his siblings-- which was the right choice since Abe was his financier.
This was the Mother's Day gift I requested of Abe.  I don't usually request specific gifts-- well, unless you count my chuck wagon dinner bell-- but I wanted a more feminine apron.  I've been wearing this black and purple witch apron that I purchased at Old Navy about ten years ago.  It worked well , but I thought I might try to soften my image around the house.  I told Abe, "flowers, polka dots, and/or ruffles, and a sturdy material."
Talk about specific requests!  Sheesh!
Anywho, I thought that since Abe works at a lot of boutiques and crafty types of shows with Winder, that finding such an apron would be super easy.  Apparently, it wasn't, but he was determined and after four different stores he found this little beauty.  I quite like it.  I think I shall cook a little more this week just so I can wear it.
I like how in this picture Greta insisted on sitting with Clark.  She can't get enough of him.  As his time to leave home approaches I can't get enough of him either.  Except on our family walk I insisted on this afternoon.  It was Mother's Day and a beautiful day at that.  Come on, everyone!  We're going on a Mother's Day walk!  They all came somewhat willingly, which is a remarkable Mother's Day offering on their part.  But they just weren't behaving as pleasantly as I would have liked.  After one block they were released to go back home and go back to watching Studio C, so Abe and I could continue our walk in peace.  It was a win/win for everyone.
Who was happier to have Daddy home from work?  Daddy or the little ones?
Oh wait... it was me.  I was the happiest to have him home.
Hanging out on the trampoline with kiddos on Saturday.  It was lovely.  One of the older girls asked me why I've been taking so many selfies.  I don't know.  I thought I hated selfies.
Searching for "Tato Buggies" (potato bugs/ rolly polly bugs) with Peter.
Another really nice thing this week was on Friday right when I was in the thick of doing math with Elinor and Faith, a wonderful friend from the ward brought me this bowl of watermelon and a nice note.  It was refreshing in more ways than one.
George and Peter built themselves a fort this evening while we watched Singing in the Rain.  So in a nutshell, this Mother's Day, I went to church, I had lovely meals, I went on a walk, I took a nap, I watched a movie with my family, and now I'm getting to blog.  That, my friends, is as good as it gets!

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