Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cannon Is Such a Party Boy

Whoa!  That was a crazy week! 
Cannon performed 8 shows of The Nutcracker with Ballet West downtown over 5 days right before Christmas!  Three of those days he had matinee and evening performances.    Abe or I chaperoned the party boys backstage on the three of the shows.  I hadn't planned to go his opening night, but I couldn't help myself!  I snagged a ticket and love every minute of it. 
Then Abe and I rode Trax with him to his performance Friday night and then we went on a date to see it.  It was really spectacular and Cannon did so well.  It was beyond thrilling to see him up there.  He loved being a part of the show and making new friends with the boys in his cast. 
With December being so very busy, it was so nice to be on such a nice date with Abe.
We dropped Cannon off for his call time and then had dinner with James and Andrea's family before we all went to the show together. 
Opening night was a very snowy cold evening.
The cheap seats... which are not, as it turns out... that cheap after all.
But totally worth it.
Do you see his name?  Third on the Party Boy list.
We tried to comb his hair for the first performance, but I didn't like seeing him up there without his curls, so for all the others, we went with his curly mop.
So, all in all, it was a magnificent experience, but I am so glad it's done!  The time commitment was more than I had anticipated.  And with so much else happening with getting Clark ready to go and normal December craziness, I'm ready for a calm and boring January!

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