Sunday, April 21, 2019

Faith's Birthday Sleepover

Faith turned 13 last month.  She had a fun party with friends and that completed "birthday season at our house".  I suppose I was so exhausted from birthday season that it has taken me over a month to finally get around to posting about it.
A house full of 13 year olds-- or there abouts-- is interesting.  A fascinating age group.  I think I will leave it there.
They did some minute-to-win-it games and then just played games.
Honestly, the best part of the night for Faith was after the party when we told her and her bff that they were getting to have sleep over.  They have hoped for such an event for a long time, but neither of our families do  sleepovers.  Tristin's mom and I had a a great time planning the surprise.  And it was very well received!
They were overcome with joy!
She put together a "sleep-over survival kit" for the girls.
Here is the video of the moment.  Happy bithday to you, Faith!

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