Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Most Excellent Weekend

It had been a while, so it was a delight when the middle kids busted out the old Lego robotics kits.  They were getting along and using their brains and working on projects together. 
In the thick of building...
...their finished project.  I like the opened peanut butter lid right next door.  I also like the pack of Uno cards on the background.  Peter is the Uno Czar these days.  He's always after an opponent to play with him.  He's actually pretty good.
George did his own building and programming with the Lego WeDo.  We've gotten a lot of mileage out of these Lego robotics kits. 
While getting ready for church this morning, we found a rather large tear in Cannon's shirt.  Abe has a hard time getting rid of old clothing.  So when he is finally ready to part with something that is irreparably worn out, he always rips it up.  Partly so that he won't be tempted to try to keep it longer, and partly because it's just fun to rip things up. 
And maybe it's even more fun to rip up your church clothes:)
Of course what the older brother does, the little brother is sure to follow.
Peter dropped some truth bombs on Abe and I this morning. 
Truth #1:  If your heart is like a sponge it is soft and it can suck up the goodness and love.  If your heart is hard like a rock, then it can't suck up the love.  That is one freaking awesome Primary teacher he has.
Truth #2:  If you do all bad things, then Jesus can't talk to you.  But if you do even one good thing, then he can talk to you again.
I love how his giant soul in a little body resonates with the truths he learns.
Bethany came home this weekend for a Miss Utah workshop.  These are the 46 ladies who will be competing for the job of Miss Utah at the end of May.  Bethany is top row, 5th in from the right.  I went with her for the orientation/workshop.  Lots of of good information and a lot of wonderful experiences in store for Bethany in the coming year. 
Bethany is the current Miss Riverton and the other two gals on the left are former Miss Riverton's who will now be competing with other titles.  The wonderful lady on the right is the director for the Riverton competition.  
A fun weekend and always a treat to have Bethany home for a visit.
And once again, what the older sister does, the younger sister is sure to follow
A grown up daughter falling asleep on me like the old days a wonderful feeling.
And waking up with the youngest little sweetheart snuggled up beside me is heaven on earth.

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