Sunday, November 3, 2019

Little Kids Are So Much Fun

Presenting:   THE 2019 JACK-O-LANTERN COLLECTION!  Once again, I take absolutely no credit whatsoever.  This is all Abe's handiwork, with a wee bit of assistance from some of the children. 
It's not so much that any particular pumpkin is that impressive... rather the sheer numbers makes them a sight to behold.
Many years ago Clark made a vampire out of cardboard and then staged a wedding of two year-old Faith and the vampire. 

Fast forward eleven years and Greta married a cardboard vampire created by George.  Life changes fast-- its good to have some continuity:)
Little people are really a lot of fun to have around:)
Elinor turned Greta into Joker on Halloween.  Mind you, this was not Greta's Halloween costume; this was just for fun.  
They say candy can be a drug.
You know what wasn't fun?  Getting all that makeup off!

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