Saturday, June 11, 2022

Patriotic Piano Recital 2022


This week was our patriotic piano recital.  I had 33 students perform-- all of whom I teach (with the exception of Faith who I used to teach and still do a little).  

The kids could either wear nice/church clothes or something to do with their song.  
What?  Did someone say wear something thematic?  You know we are in!
Faith played "The U.S. Airforce", Cannon played "Anchors Aweigh", George played "The Caissons Go Rolling Along", Peter played "Over There", and Greta played "Hail to the Chief".
These three (Eric, Graham, and Kate) are pretty much Peter's favorite people on the planet.
Both George and Brigham played the Army song-- "The Caisson Song"
Greta, Emi, Aliyah, and Takara.  These three are my nieces and it is such a joy to get to teach them.
How cute are these boys?! These three-- Oliver, George, and Dallas-- went to Civil War camp last summer.  They made good use of their shirts and hats for the recital.
We're missing Bethany, but here's the rest of the gang.  I feel so blessed that these are the people I get to do life with:)
The recital is a family gathering for my extended family-- I teach my sister's kids and one of my brother's girls.  Here is my dad with me and the grandkids that played in the recital.  Little Jules (on the far left) will be starting lessons in the fall.
At the end of the recital we had anyone who had served in the armed forces stand and be recognized.
Aliyah and Rosalie-- my beyond darling nieces.  I adore them.
Hayden and Kate Schramm--- they are pretty much like a nephew and niece to me, too.  I love them and they did so well.
The Hansens are a joy to teach.
I've taught Kennedy piano since she was about six; I shouldn't admit it, but she's been one of my favorites and I will miss her.  This was her final recital.

Greta's dramatic curtsies.
I like my job so much.
Here are the links to the videos of our kids' pieces.

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