Sunday, October 16, 2022

Peter's Baptism Day


I love that Heavenly Father invites us to make covenants with him before we are completely capable of understanding the full meaning of that relationship.  It is that very relationship with Him that gives us the power to understand and become.  So at the age of 8, Peter was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  In the words of Cannon, who gave the talk, "Today, Peter you will put on the jersey and officially joins the Lord's team."

We loved having the who family together.... least virtually we had everyone there!  Bethany was able to zoom in live and share a beautiful testimony with Peter and all of us.
She was a ray of sunshine!

It was wonderful to have so many dear friends and family there to support Peter and our family.
Peter is a powerful person.  Sometimes it's a challenge to keep up with him.  I love that he so earnestly wants to do good.
Peter and his best buddy Eric.  Greta in the background-- ha ha ha!
We enjoyed a pasta bar lunch back at our house afterward.  
The weather could not have been lovelier.
We enjoyed watching the slideshow video of Peter's life that Abe put together.

It was a truly wonderful day!

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