Sunday, November 3, 2019

Halloween 2019

Faith and Tristin took the reigns (no pun intended) to throw the annual teenager Halloween party.  Elinor was in attendance, but declined organizing and hosting.  Faith and Tristin did a great job!  Here are a few pictures of the more punctual guests:)

These four beauties are in our neighborhood.  They are rather short in stature, so sometimes I forget how old they actually are!
One of the highlights of the season is the Wasatch Arts Center Halloween Party.  Here is George with his good buddy, Taylor.
Cannon with his friends Liliana and Bethany.
Greta, Ethan, and Andrew
George spent a lot of time at the arts and craft table.  My mom would be so proud.
The cupcake walk is a traditional favorite.

Here are pictures of the actual Halloween evening.  There are so many Halloween festivities before the actual Halloween night arrives, that it's almost a relief to get the actual night over with.  Even still, it was great fun with great family and friends.
Juliette and Greta.
Aly and Greta
Peter and Eric
George and Dallas with Beth Miles-- their Cub Scout leader and half of the mastermind behind the BEST Halloween house in the neighborhood.
Kate and George by the scary werewolf.
Cannon, Jake, and Ryder
Ryder, Cannon, and Jake again because I like them.
David Pumpkins along with the other half of the mastermind-- David Miles.
David Pumpkins attempting to abduct a small child!  
Kidding.  Just Abe and my beautiful nieces.
My brother testing out a new look.  
I enjoy the fun and frivolity of Halloween. October is a glorious month full of family and friends and fun and I'm never in a rush to see it come to an end.  Even so, I gratefully welcome the month of November!  It means that Clark comes home NEXT MONTH!!!  It is a month to breathe and prepare for the insanity that is December.  It is time to be a little still (well, relatively still) and focus on gratitude for the blessings in our lives.  

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