Friday, November 8, 2019

This Is Really Living

My favorite picture of the week.  It was a normal Thursday school day in which we had hamburgers for lunch and we finished it off with a few Studio C sketches.  The kids were all gathered around the computer and laughing together.  And it made my mom heart happy.  Now that Clark and Bethany are gone, I have a much clearer understanding of what the time frame of kids living at home is.  As has been previously discussed ad nauseam, I don't love the kids leaving home.  I mean, I'm proud of them and I think they are doing great things and there is no better alternative, but I miss them.  And I know I will miss all of them.  So I'm trying to treasure each moment while they are still here.
And seriously... aren't they darling?  I liked George's crown creation, but he wasn't thrilled to have his picture taken.  Or was he?
My room is a disaster.  But my boy is practicing guitar just because he wants to and he can.  Now, friends, hear me out.  Have you ever raised an eleven year old boy?  I wrote this post about Clark as an eleven year old boy back in the day.  It was... shall we say... challenging for me at times.  Cannon is a different bird than Clark was with quite different interests (minus the video games).  But he is eleven and sometimes, eleven year old boys are not to be reasoned with. Or rather, according to Cannon, everything is to be reasoned with and negotiated.  Some might call it arguing.  Of course, he would reason that he is just trying to explain.  Either way, it's exciting:)
Thirteen year old girls are often times known for their moodiness and sass.  This thirteen year old definitely has some sass, but not much by way of moodiness.  Lots of smiles and lots of laughs is our Faith.  She is working really hard on a piano duet with Elinor to play at Clark's missionary homecoming in December.
It is November and Greta still puts on her swimsuit every chance she gets.  I finally wised up and hid it up in the top of my closet.
Peter made a video of his reading today.  I could eat him up.

He was so proud of his cardinal coloring job. 
Here's a little update on the rest of the gang. 
Clark:  He is in his final transfer of his time in the Texas, Dallas mission.  Wow!  This second year has flown by.  He is the zone leader of the Dallas zone.  It is my understanding that he is in not such a nice area of South Dallas.  He told me he and his companion were awoken by gun shots in their apartment complex.  So yeah.  33 days baby.

Bethany: Taking a very full load at BYU-Idaho and working so hard and practicing so much and she and we are looking forward to her finishing her first semester and being home for Christmas break.

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