Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ninjas Have Mad Life Skills

The boys and Greta and I took a little field trip with some friends to the zoo recently.  We didn't really take much of a fall break from our school work, but it was a nice morning outside enjoying the fall weather.
Peter is at a delightful age to take to the zoo.  He's past the "wandering or running off" stage, but not to the "too cool to be at the zoo with my mom" stage.
THIS picture of Peter.  He is the maharaja, isn't he?
Greta and Ethan and Andrew.
A merry-go-round ride with my Littles.
The Brothers Fox.  With Elinor and Faith gone a lot for swim practices, it is more and more often the boys and Greta home with me.  A little glimpse into the future.  Cannon and George are keeping quite busy schedules with rehearsals for two different Nutcracker productions.  And in any spare moment they enjoy time with their friends in the neighborhood.
I've really enjoyed listening to Cannon learning to play the guitar.  He's working on a fun Star Wars medley. 
  I love it when the house gets invaded by ninjas.  It's a little bit problematic when said ninjas are supposed to be doing their school work, but not as problematic as I used to think it was.  Ninjas have some mad life skills-- am I  right?  

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