Saturday, November 2, 2019

She Came Home!

Bethany came home for the weekend!!!! Oh, it was so good to be with her again.  She had a Riverton City event on Monday evening she wanted to support, so we were the lucky ones who got her home from Friday evening to late Monday night.  At which point she took a very late night shuttle van back up to Rexburg during a snowstorm-- YIKES!  Thankfully, she made it back safely and got back into the swing of school this week. 
But we got three plus days of her wonderful company:)
I wasn't the only one happy to see her again!  She was a good sport and spent Friday evening and much of the day on Saturday at water polo games with us. 
Monday night the city did a Halloween event at the main city park and Bethany went to help out.  Elinor was also helping out as part of the Riverton City Youth Council-- which she is totally enjoying!
It made my heart feel so happy to have them together again.
A little blurry, but I feel the love.
I adore this picture.
The Spooky Arena at the rodeo grounds was pretty creepy.
Donuts and hot chocolate afterwards.
Abe is a very proud papa.
Because of Bethany being Miss Riverton, we have participated in several city events we never have gone to before.  They have not disappointed -- maybe with the exception of the haystack dive on the 4th of July.  This one was no exception. Actually, this one was quite delightful and I would happily take kiddos to this again.
It's been really cold lately-- a few days ago was record breaking cold for this time of year.  The dryness of living in Utah combined with the furnace working over time has made for a lot of static electricity in the house!

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