Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Rolling Foxes Day 10-- Foxes Take Manhattan


I cannot believe we did what we did... but we DID IT!  We dared to take on the Big Apple and I'd say it was a smashing success!

When in New York, do as the New Yorkers do---- ride the Subway!  We were fans.  Sure the stations were hot and stinky and slightly confusing and I was paranoid that a child was going to fall onto the tracks-- but they were convenient and not too confusing and we had lots of big kid helpers who were ready and willing to hold the hands of the littles.  
We were fairly cooperative, but we were not fans of wearing masks again.  It had been a while and we hadn't needed them anywhere else on the trip until the subways.
The first stop of Day 10 was Ground Zero.  Clark and Bethany were born, but so young they have no memory of the day.  These memorials are so breathtaking.
We didn't go to the museum, but I am so glad we got to see this.

I hadn't realized how close Ladder Co. 10 was to Ground Zero.  No wonder they lost so many.
Next up we took the Staten Island Ferry there and back.
And even though the day started quite overcast, we got a great view of the Statue of Liberty.
I must say, the whole team was remarkably cooperative for family pictures.  I realize it was a little much, but I am grateful they humored Abe and I.
Next up was lunch at Fraunces Tavern-- built in 1719 it boasts it is the oldest building in Manhattan and it was a hang out for Revolutionary War big wigs including George Washington.  Oh, and most importantly, about four years ago I ate here with my dear friends Andrea and JL and I ate the best sweet potato fries of my whole life.  I really needed them again.  
So we splurged on a meal that was so satisfying to every single person.  I had those beautiful sweet potato fries I'd been dreaming of and they were NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT.  They were glorious!  And the watermelon salad was not like anything I'd ever had before, but it was divinely refreshing. 
Generally speaking we have not eaten a lot of great food on this trip. Way too may hamburger fries and chicken nuggets.  Which truth be told, is what the kids chose to eat here, but they did say they were very good chicken tenders and and fries:)
Once we had full, happy tummies, we headed for the Brooklyn Bridge.  It's just cool.  We got about halfway and decided to just go all the way to Brooklyn and then catch the Subway from there.
It was blazing hot and sunny by this point.  I mean, the temperature isn't as hot as it is at home, but the humidity is really something.  Truthfully, I kind of like the humidity, but most of the family didn't feel the same way.  I love this picture and I'm so glad we walked across the whole bridge.
When we caught the Subway in Brooklyn, Greta needed a rest.  Fortunately, it was a nice long ride out to Coney Island.
Excepting that the kids wished they brought along their swimsuits, Coney Island was one of the best decisions we made on this whole trip.  The kids happily played in the water and on the beach.  Faith and younger had never been to the ocean beach before and they were thrilled.

George is showing Elinor the little crustacean he found.

Greta got so wet and sandy, but she was so happy playing.  For so much of the this trip the little kids have had to sit still, or stand still, or be quiet, or stop doing that, or stay by us, etc.  It was so nice for them (and for us) to get to run free and play for a while.  Abe and I just sat together and marveled at all we had done on this trip.  It's been a dream come true.
Shortly after this picture was taken we spotted four white-shirted missionaries.  We had hoped to see some missionaries in NYC because we'd seen so many missionaries already.
We paid way too much money so these four could ride the Cyclone roller coaster.
Meanwhile we comforted these two distraught souls who were too short to ride.  Life can be disappointing sometimes-- especially when you're exhausted after traveling for 10 days and a big day in New York City.
Hot dogs at Nathan's Famous Hot Dog stand made it better.  I happily give the credit for a lot of the activities we did in New York to Andrea and JL because we did a lot of this same stuff several years back and it was awesome, so I suggested we do a lot of the same stuff again.  Our gang was happy with that.
Another long Subway trip including a couple transfers back to the hotel.  I believe George is still traumatized from the roller coaster ride.  He wasn't a fan.  I told him maybe roller coasters were an acquired taste and he'd like them better when he got older.  He said he didn't think so.
When we finally got back to "our neighborhood" we need more refreshment.  We got Italian Ices at Vito's Slices and Ices.  Once again, the troops were contented.
We have watched a LOT of Shark Fest and Shark Week on this trip.  It's either that or Cartoon Network, which I loathe but the kids love.  But I must ask-- what is up with all the shark shows?  And why is it ALWAYS Shark Week whenever we're on a trip anywhere, anytime of year?  Is it always Shark Week somewhere?  I am confused.  Please explain.
 I am typing this post on the airplane on the way back to Salt Lake City.  We have been playing the license plate game throughout the whole trip and we are now only missing South Dakota and Alaska.  We are really hoping to snag them at the airport or on the drive home.  If not, we'll have to use our wildcard Canadian plates we've spotted.  But we'd rather not have to do that.  Come on South Dakota and Alaska!!! Show yourselves!!!

The final 7 of 14 states we actually, however briefly, visited during
"The Rolling Foxes Summer Tour 2021"!!!!

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