Monday, July 12, 2021

The Rolling Foxes Summer Tour Day 9--That's a Wrap on Church History


In 2015 the church dedicated some really cool new Priesthood Restoration sites in Harmony, Pennsylvania right next to the Susquehanna River.  This is a replica of the home Emma Hale Smith grew up in.  She was from a very well-to-do family and this was a very fancy house for the day.  The translation of the Book of Mormon was begun here.  
They had a box that weighed roughly what the plates were reported to have weighed.  We all took turns hefting the 50 lb. box.  I am cracking up at Faith's facial expression.  She looks so unimpressed and you know she was next in line to prove her superior strength!
Here we are at the reconstructed home Joseph and Emma moved into just down on the property of Emma's parents.  
This was the home where roughly seventy percent of the Book of Mormon was translated. 
On an unrelated note, I am completely in love with the farmhouse style of decorating-- simplicity, utilitarian--- I love it!  I have pretty much no vision or taste when it comes to home decorating, (I probably haven't even named or described what I like very well), but I do know I love the styles we've see in all these old homes.  
The boys in the grove of trees where the Priesthood was restored to the earth.
The beautiful statues depicting the restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood.
Selfie at the Susquehanna River.
It was a Sunday, so we had a family Sacrament and testimony meeting at a nearby church pavilion right by the river.  It was pretty special that one week we had Sacrament in Adam-ondi-Ahman and the next week at the site of the Priesthood Restoration.  Pretty cool for a deacon.
We finished the church history portion of this grand adventure in Harmony, PA and we were off to the Big Apple!!!!! We did a little driving tour of Midtown Manhattan before we checked into our hotel.
You don't have to love New York City, but you've got to see it to believe it!
Our lineup of carry-on suitcases-- they've worked out pretty well.  Everyone could bring one carry-on suitcase and one backpack, because even though we drove out here, we're flying back home.  Our rooms here in New York City are quite nice, and also quite snug.  It has cured me of any ideas I've ever entertained of living in a tiny house:)

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