Our dear friend, Emily Sanders and me in Pocatello, ID. We stopped to visit them on our way to Yellowstone. The babies are Cannon and Eve, born just a couple of weeks apart. All of our kids are very close in age and really enjoy playing together, but the older kids were away visiting their grandparents so our kids were sad.

This is our family at the Golden Spike where the two railroads- Central Pacific and Union Pacific met up. The kids loved doing the Jr. Ranger program and getting their badge. Faith really likes trains, but she didn't care for the loud train whistles.

Clark, Bethany and Elinor playing on the shores of Yellowstone lake. They had quite a steep climb down and up a very dirty trail. We threw water bottles down to them to fill up with lake water to wash off their feet when they got back up to the top.

We are at the Grizzly Bear and Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone. They have several Grizzly bears and a somewhat natural environment (minus the steel fences surrounding them) and a wolf exhibit. The kids did a fun activity called Keeper Kids where they put the bears away in their other cages, I suppose, and then the kids got to go into the exhibit and hide food for the bears. Then the kids came out and the bears went in (the order is very important) and they got to watch the bears find their food.

The first picture is of Elinor and Annie- cousins born three days apart. The second is Bethany and Julia- cousins born one day apart. The kids had so much fun out on a boat on Lake Cour D'Alene. I wasn't there, but apparently there was a small catamaran out on the lake with a skull and cross bones on the sail. It was quite windy so it tipped over and the boaters didn't have the strength or weight to right themselves. Abraham saved the pirates--much to the joy of little 2 year old John, "Uncle Abe save the pirates"!

Clark caught two humongous toads up at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He named this one Strider and brought it back to the hotel with us. Gratefully, he did let it go the next day. Clark enjoyed some hiking around on the land.

Elinor and I enjoyed a four- wheeler ride down and back up the hill. Abe was on another one with Faith and beat us. This was during one of Cannon's few nap times during the reunion.

Mama Mia! Here is our glorious rendition of Mama Mia for the Fox talent show. The sad thing is that while shopping for our accessories in Claire's boutique- things actually started to look cute to us! We were being very silly.
The next picture is of the tweeners being rock stars!

Faith Fox at the park while the dads were playing D&D. She was so good on our whole trip. She wasn't accustomed to being around other little cousins who didn't treat her like she was queen of the universe!- but she was a good sport.

Eight sisters and sisters -in- laws had or are about to have babies within roughly a year of each other. From left to right: Samatha and Joseph (due next month), Mary and William, Betsy and Cannon, Marjorie and Claire, Amy and Jessica, Tiffany and James, Katie and Simon, Lori and Ellori. There was A LOT of lactation happening at this reunion!

Clark and Megan leading the cousins in kid Dungeons and Dragons. These kids would play outside and then run up to the room over the garage and play adventures. Play outside then go play adventures, repeat. All the cousins seemed to get along very well and have a marvelous time playing together.

We thoroughly enjoyed our brief stay at the Moyie cabin with Jesse and Amy's family. Everyone but the wives and babies swam in the river. We roasted hot dogs and made smores. The dads entertained us with a fireworks show.